Do the data in the table represent a linear function? If so, write a rule for the function.

x –2 –1 0 1 2
y –7 1 8 17 25

A. yes; y = 8x + 9
B. yes; y = 8x + 8
C. yes; y = one eighthx + 8
D. no

B. yes; y = 8x + 8

To determine if the data in the table represent a linear function, we can check if there is a constant rate of change between the x-values and y-values.

Looking at the given data, let's calculate the differences between consecutive y-values:

-7 - 1 = -8
1 - 8 = -7
8 - 17 = -9
17 - 25 = -8

Since the differences between the y-values are not constant, the data in the table does not represent a linear function. Therefore, the answer is D.