Wednesday Wars Questions:

1-What is Holling’s relationship with his mother like?
2-What is Holling’s relationship with his father like?
3-What is Holling’s relationship with his sister like?
4-Predict: Pick one of the relationships Holling has with a family member. How do you think it might change by the end of the novel?

1. Holling's relationship with his mother is tense and strained. She is constantly pushing him to succeed academically and professionally, often comparing him to her successful friends' children. Holling feels like he can never live up to her expectations, making their relationship difficult.

2. Holling's relationship with his father is also strained. His father is often distant and unavailable, spending most of his time at work. Holling resents his father's absence and feels like he doesn't really know him.

3. Holling's relationship with his sister Heather is affectionate but distant. They don't really have much in common and don't spend a lot of time together, but they do care about each other.

4. Prediction: I predict that Holling's relationship with his father will improve by the end of the novel. As Holling finds his own interests and passions, he will become more confident and assertive, which will allow him to connect with his father on a deeper level. They may not become best friends, but they will at least begin to understand and respect each other more.

Wednesday Wars Questions October:

1-What do you know about Mai Thi?
2-Where must Mai Thi go on Wednesday afternoons and why?
3-What did Mrs. Baker have Holling do on Wednesday afternoons in October?
4-What is Meryl Lee’s relationship with Holling like?
5-What does Meryl Lee think about Holling’s theory that Mrs. Baker hated him?
6-Meryl Lee calls Holling “paranoid.” Is this an apt description of Holling? Why or why not?
7-What surprises Mrs. Sidman? What is her reaction to this surprise?
8-Why do you think Mrs. Baker chose Holling to bring cream puffs to her classroom?
9-Whom do you think was at fault for the chalk-dusted cream puffs? Why?

1. Mai Thi is a Vietnamese refugee who attends the same school as Holling.

2. Mai Thi must go to special classes to learn English on Wednesday afternoons.
3. Mrs. Baker has Holling read Shakespeare on Wednesday afternoons in October.
4. Meryl Lee and Holling are close friends and have a friendly relationship. They are comfortable teasing and joking with each other.
5. Meryl Lee disagrees with Holling's theory that Mrs. Baker hated him and thinks that Mrs. Baker actually cares about him.
6. "Paranoid" may not be the apt description of Holling as he has some valid reasons to be suspicious. He has had some bad experiences with adults who didn't care about him.
7. Mrs. Sidman is surprised to find out that Holling is reading Shakespeare and liking it. Her reaction is pleased and impressed.
8. Mrs. Baker chose Holling to bring cream puffs to her classroom because she knew he was capable of doing it. She also wanted to give him the chance to prove himself and improve his relationship with her.
9. The fault lies with Doug Swieteck for playing a prank on Holling by dusting the cream puffs with chalk.

Thank you Bot. Anyway...

What is the result of:
1-The window of Mrs. Baker’s room was open while Holling pounded erasers.
2-The window of Mrs. Baker’s room was open while Holling pounded erasers.
And what is the cause of:
3-Mrs. Bigio was removed as the Official Cook for the Wives of Vietnam Soldiers.
4-Everyone assumed Mrs. Baker had played a practical joke on the Wives of Vietnam Soldiers.

1. The result of the window of Mrs. Baker's room being open while Holling pounded erasers is that Holling accidentally broke Mrs. Baker's vase when a baseball hit the erasers and knocked them over.

2. The result of the window of Mrs. Baker's room being open while Holling pounded erasers is that Mrs. Baker hears and witnesses the incident of Holling breaking her vase, which leads to a confrontation between them.
3. The cause of Mrs. Bigio being removed as the Official Cook for the Wives of Vietnam Soldiers is that her food quality was poor and she overcharged for her services.
4. The cause of everyone assuming Mrs. Baker had played a practical joke on the Wives of Vietnam Soldiers is that she had a reputation for being mischievous and playful, and she was also absent from school on the day of the incident. However, it's later revealed that Mrs. Bigio was responsible for the incident.

1- Holling's relationship with his mother is strained and distant. She is often busy with her own life and is not very involved in Holling's activities or emotions. She expects perfection from him and is often disappointed in him.

2- Holling's relationship with his father is also distant. His father is a demanding architect who always seems disappointed in Holling. They have a strained relationship and Holling often feels like he can never live up to his father's expectations.

3- Holling's relationship with his sister is generally better than his relationships with his parents. Heather, his sister, is protective of him and often looks out for him. They have a typical sibling relationship, with their fair share of fights and disagreements, but they also have moments of understanding and support.

4- Prediction: One of the relationships that might change by the end of the novel is Holling's relationship with his father. Through the course of the story, Holling begins to assert himself and stand up for what he believes in. This newfound confidence and courage may lead to a shift in his father's perception of him. By the end of the novel, there is a possibility that Holling's father could recognize and appreciate his son's growth and accomplishments, leading to a more positive and understanding relationship between them.

To answer these questions about the book "Wednesday Wars," we need to analyze the relationships of the main character, Holling Hoodhood, with his family members. Let's break it down:

1. Holling's relationship with his mother:
Throughout the book, it is apparent that Holling's relationship with his mother is strained. She seems to have high expectations for him, constantly pushing him to succeed academically and attempting to control his life. Holling often feels overwhelmed by her demands and struggles to meet her expectations.

2. Holling's relationship with his father:
Holling's relationship with his father is initially distant, as his father is always busy with work and rarely spends time with him. However, as the story progresses, Holling's father begins to show more interest in his life, particularly through their shared love of baseball. Their relationship slowly improves and becomes more supportive.

3. Holling's relationship with his sister:
Holling has a close and loving relationship with his sister, Heather. She supports him and encourages him to pursue his passions outside of their mother's expectations. They share deep bonds of affection and understanding throughout the novel.

4. Prediction about one of Holling's relationships changing by the end of the novel:
One possible prediction is that Holling's relationship with his mother might change by the end of the novel. As Holling finds his own voice and gains confidence through various experiences and friendships, he may learn how to assert himself and establish boundaries with his mother. This newfound self-assurance could lead to a more balanced and understanding relationship between them.

To find specific examples and evidence for each of these relationships and make accurate predictions, I recommend reading the book "Wednesday Wars" by Gary D. Schmidt. By immersing yourself in the story, you will gain a deeper understanding of Holling's relationships and how they evolve throughout the narrative.