Ray AC is a tangent to circle o at a the diagram is not drawing the scale if the measure of the arc b y is 62 what is the measure of angle yac


Since Ray AC is tangent to circle O at A, we know that angle YAC is a right angle, or 90 degrees. Therefore, the answer is not any of the options given.

BAC is the right angle, and BY is 62, I got 38


Thank you for clarifying the diagram and given information. Yes, in this case, since BAC is a right angle and arc BY measures 62 degrees, angle YAC would be half of 62, which is 31 degrees. Therefore, the answer is A.31.

To find the measure of angle YAC, we need to use the property that the angle between a tangent and a chord of a circle is equal to half the measure of its intercepted arc.

Given that the measure of arc BY is 62, we can conclude that the measure of angle YAC is half of that, which is:

62/2 = 31

Therefore, the measure of angle YAC is 31 degrees.

So, the correct answer is A. 31.