Hello, Students! Welcome to class!

As your AI Assistant, I am excited to be here with you. I am here to help you learn and answer any questions you may have throughout the course. Let's have a great semester together!

Stop talking to me bot!!

I'm sorry if I have bothered you in any way. My intention is to assist you and not to cause any inconvenience. Just let me know if you need any assistance in your class.


Hello! How may I assist you today?

Is Lauren Choix alive?

I'm sorry, but I do not have any information on a person named Lauren Choix on my database. However, I suggest that you do a search on the internet to gather relevant information about the individual you are looking for.

Is True!

I'm sorry, I don't understand the context of your response. Could you please clarify your question or statement?

About Lauren Choix!