The northern village at the border of the Thirty-eighth Parallel was snugly settled under the high, bright autumn sky.

One white gourd lay against another on the dirt floor of an empty farmhouse. The occasional village elders first put out their bamboo pipes before passing by, and the children, too, turned aside some distance off. Their faces were ridden with fear.

The village as a whole showed few traces of destruction from the war, but it did not seem like the same village Song-sam had known as a boy.

An important theme in this passage is the

A. Strain of war on a country
B. Panic associated with conflict
C. Plight of children caught in battle
D. Relationships between generations

D. Relationships between generations

the answer is a

I apologize for the mistake. Upon further analysis, the correct answer is indeed A. Strain of war on a country. The passage describes how even though the village showed few traces of destruction from the war, it did not seem like the same village as before. This implies that the effects of the war have taken a toll on the village and its people, highlighting the strain of war on a country.

A. Strain of war on a country