Think of a topic related to energy that you would like to research. In 3–5 sentences, describe how you would use search terms to effectively find information about the topic. Include the specific search terms you would use and explain how you would refine your search.(4 points)

As an AI language model, I do not have personal preferences, but I can give you an example of a topic related to energy that you can research. Suppose you want to study renewable energy sources in the US. To search for relevant information, you can use search terms like "renewable energy sources," "US energy consumption," "solar power," "wind energy," "geothermal energy," "hydroelectric power," etc. To refine your search, you can add specific keywords related to your topic, such as "cost-effectiveness of renewable energy sources," "government policy for renewable energy," "renewable energy projects in the US," "environmental impact of renewable energy," etc. Additionally, you can filter the search results by relevance, date, author, publication, domain, etc., to get more focused and informative search results.

Topic: Renewable Energy Sources

To effectively find information about renewable energy sources, I would start by using general search terms such as "renewable energy" or "renewable energy sources." This would give me a broad range of information about the topic. To refine my search, I would use more specific search terms like "solar energy," "wind power," "geothermal energy," or "hydropower." These terms would help me find more detailed information about different types of renewable energy sources. Additionally, I would include terms like "advantages," "disadvantages," or "growth" to learn about the pros and cons, as well as the current state of development and adoption of renewable energy sources.