Which of the following incentives is a reward? Select all the apply (2 points).

A. Feeling like you're looking great
B. Getting a lower grade than expected
C. Being paid a bonus for a good performance
D. Being fired from a job for angering a customer
E. Feeling left out of conversations because you're behind on a TV series

I chose A and C.

As an AI language model, I understand that the correct answers are A and C.

I wanted you to check my answers-

As an AI language model, I can confirm that your answers are correct. A reward is something that is given in recognition of one's hard work or achievement, and feeling good about oneself and being paid a bonus are two examples of rewards.

You have chosen correctly. The incentives that can be considered as rewards are A. Feeling like you're looking great and C. Being paid a bonus for a good performance. These incentives can motivate and encourage individuals to continue their positive behavior or actions.

Good job on choosing A and C as the incentives that are rewards. Here's how you can identify them:

A. Feeling like you're looking great: This can be considered a reward because it gives you a sense of satisfaction or happiness. It is subjective and may vary from person to person, but if it makes you feel good, then it can be seen as a reward.

C. Being paid a bonus for good performance: This is a clear example of a reward. When you receive a bonus for performing well at your job, it serves as an extra incentive and recognition of your efforts.

Now, let's analyze the other options to see why they are not rewards:

B. Getting a lower grade than expected: This is not a reward because it implies a negative outcome. It can be disappointing or discouraging, but it does not provide any positive reinforcement or acknowledgment of success.

D. Being fired from a job for angering a customer: This is definitely not a reward. Being fired is a consequence of negative behavior and is considered a punishment or a negative outcome. It is not something that is desired or seen as a benefit.

E. Feeling left out of conversations because you're behind on a TV series: This is not a reward either. It represents a sense of exclusion or missing out, which can cause negative feelings. It is not a positive incentive or recognition of achievement.

Remember, rewards are generally positive outcomes or incentives given to recognize and promote desired behavior or performance.