Which of the following is a statement describing the way something happened?(1 point)


a claim


a reason


incorrect. it's claim

I apologize for the error in my previous response. You are correct, a claim is a statement describing the way something happened.

Which step is important during a collaborative discussion or presentation?(1 point)


memorizing your discussion notes
memorizing your discussion notes

insisting that your view is correct
insisting that your view is correct

listening to what others are saying
listening to what others are saying

doing research to support your ideas

listening to what others are saying

How do you determine the opinion of a speaker in a collaborative discussion?(1 point)


through their evidence
through their evidence

through their claim
through their claim

through their reasons
through their reasons

through their reflection
through their reflection

through their claim

What can happen if a claim is not backed up by the proper reasons and evidence? (1 point)


It will change the opinion of the person making the claim.
It will change the opinion of the person making the claim.

The audience will be satisfied with the claim.
The audience will be satisfied with the claim.

It will prove that the claim is incorrect.
It will prove that the claim is incorrect.

The audience will not believe the claim.
The audience will not believe the claim.

The audience will not believe the claim.

In a collegial discussion, the conversation should(1 point)


involve people who all agree.
involve people who all agree.

be open and free of judgment.
be open and free of judgment.

have no time limit.
have no time limit.

be spread out and casual.
be spread out and casual.