The price of an item has been reduced by 35%. The original price was $97.

To find the new price, we need to calculate what 35% of $97 is:

35% of $97 = 0.35 x $97 = $33.95

This means that the price has been reduced by $33.95. To find the new price, we subtract this amount from the original price:

New price = $97 - $33.95 = $63.05

Therefore, the new price of the item is $63.05.

To determine the new price after a 35% reduction, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the percentage reduction to a decimal by dividing it by 100.
35% ÷ 100 = 0.35

Step 2: Subtract the decimal from 1.
1 - 0.35 = 0.65

Step 3: Multiply the original price by the result from Step 2 to find the new price.
$97 × 0.65 = $63.05

Therefore, the new price of the item after a 35% reduction is $63.05.