why is meiosis needed in animals?

a. Because 2 diploid cells are required to make 1 haploid zygote
b. Because 2 haploid games are needed to produce a diploid zygote
c.Because 2 identical daughter cells are needed to repair tissues
d. Because 2 diploid cells are needed for cross-pollination

b. Because 2 haploid games are needed to produce a diploid zygote.

The correct answer is b. Meiosis is needed in animals because two haploid gametes are needed to produce a diploid zygote. During meiosis, the cells undergo two rounds of divisions, resulting in the formation of four haploid cells called gametes. These gametes are then used in sexual reproduction to combine with another gamete from the opposite sex, resulting in the formation of a diploid zygote with a complete set of chromosomes. This process ensures genetic diversity and variation in offspring.