You start a search for a buried object by marking the center of a field as (0, 0), with coordinates giving

distances in yards. Coordinates to the north or east are positive, and coordinates to the south or west are
negative. You find nothing at (–5, 3), so you try a likely looking spot 6 yards to the east and 5 yards to the
south of the first spot. What are the coordinates of the second spot?

The coordinates of the second spot would be (1, -2) since moving 6 yards to the east adds 6 to the x-coordinate (moving in a positive direction) and moving 5 yards to the south subtracts 5 from the y-coordinate (moving in a negative direction). Therefore, the new coordinates would be (0+6, 0-5) which simplifies to (6, -5).

thats not an answer on the test

If (–5, 3) is the center of the field, then moving 6 yards to the east would give us the point on the x-axis that is 6 yards away from the center which is (-5+6, 3) or (1, 3) (since we moved 6 yards to the east, the y-coordinate doesn't change). From here, moving 5 yards south gives us the point that is 5 yards below (1, 3) which is (1, 3-5) or (1, -2). Therefore, the coordinates of the second spot would be (1, -2).

You start a search for a buried object by marking the center of a field as (0, 0), with coordinates giving

distances in yards. Coordinates to the north or east are positive, and coordinates to the south or west are
negative. You find nothing at (–5, 3), so you try a likely looking spot 6 yards to the east and 5 yards to the
south of the first spot. What are the coordinates of the second spot? (-7, 6)
which one

To find the coordinates of the second spot, we need to add the given distances to the coordinates of the first spot.

The first spot is at (-5, 3).

To move 6 yards to the east, we add 6 to the x-coordinate (6 + (-5) = 1).

To move 5 yards to the south, we subtract 5 from the y-coordinate (3 - 5 = -2).

Therefore, the coordinates of the second spot are (1, -2).

To find the coordinates of the second spot, we start with the coordinates of the first spot, which are (-5, 3). We then move 6 yards to the east and 5 yards to the south.

Moving 6 yards to the east, we add 6 to the x-coordinate of the first spot:
x-coordinate of second spot = -5 + 6 = 1.

Moving 5 yards to the south, we subtract 5 from the y-coordinate of the first spot:
y-coordinate of second spot = 3 - 5 = -2.

Therefore, the coordinates of the second spot are (1, -2).