Simplify the radical expression.


To simplify this expression, we can first divide the coefficients (numbers outside the radical sign) and simplify the variables inside the radical sign using the rules of exponents:

√(63x^15y^9/7xy^11) = √(9x^4/y^2)

Next, we can split the radical sign using the product rule:

√(9x^4/y^2) = √9 * √(x^4/y^2)

The square root of 9 is 3, and we can simplify the expression inside the radical sign using the quotient rule:

√(x^4/y^2) = √(x^4)/√(y^2) = x^2/y

Putting it all together, we get:

√(63x^15y^9/7xy^11) = √9 * √(x^4/y^2) = 3 * x^2/y = 3x^2/y

To simplify the radical expression √(63x^15y^9)/(7xy^11), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the expression using fractional exponents.
√(63x^15y^9)/(7xy^11) can be rewritten as (63x^15y^9)^(1/2) / (7xy^11)^(1/2).

Step 2: Simplify the exponents.
The exponent 1/2 means taking the square root of the expression inside the parentheses.
So, (63x^15y^9)^(1/2) = √(63x^15y^9).

Similarly, (7xy^11)^(1/2) = √(7xy^11).

Step 3: Simplify the square roots.
√(63x^15y^9) can be rewritten as √(9 * 7 * 7 * x^14 * x * y^8 * y).
Taking any perfect squares out from under the square root, we get: 3 * 7 * x^7 * y^4 * √(x * y).

Similarly, √(7xy^11) can be simplified as √(7 * x * y^10) = √(7xy^2 * y^8) = √(7xy^2) * √(y^8) = √(7xy^2) * y^4.

Step 4: Simplify the expression.
Combining the simplified square roots, we have:
(3 * 7 * x^7 * y^4 * √(x * y)) / (√(7xy^2) * y^4).

We can cancel out the common factors in the numerator and denominator.
Cancelling out the y^4 terms, we get:
(3 * 7 * x^7 * y^4 * √(x * y)) / (y^4 * √(7xy^2)).

Finally, cancelling out the y^4 terms, we have:
(3 * 7 * x^7 * √(x * y)) / √(7xy^2).

Therefore, the simplified radical expression is:
(21x^7 * √(x * y)) / √(7xy^2).