(Experiment for acids and bases)

What is the result of red cabbage water that has been boiled until it is a deep persp and it has been cooled for use? what in the solution will be the experiment and the control?

The result of the boiled and cooled red cabbage water is a natural indicator solution that changes color in the presence of acids or bases.

The experiment in this case would be to test the red cabbage water with different substances to see if they are acids or bases. The control would be the red cabbage water itself, to compare the color changes of the other substances to the expected result in the control.

The result of boiling red cabbage water until it becomes a deep purple color and then cooling it for use is a natural pH indicator solution.

In an experiment using this solution as a pH indicator, the goal would be to test the acidity or alkalinity (basicity) of various substances. The experiment would involve adding small amounts of the substances being tested to the red cabbage water and observing any color changes. Acidic substances will generally cause the solution to turn red or pink, while basic substances will cause it to turn green or blue.

To ensure accurate comparisons, a control in this experiment would be necessary. The control can be distilled water, as it should not cause any significant color change in the red cabbage water. By comparing the color changes observed in the experimental substances to the control (water), we can better understand their acidity or basicity.