How did World War II influence colonies to seek independence? answer in 2-3 sentences

World War II led to the decline of the powerful European empires. The war weakened their economies and political power, leading to the colonies becoming more assertive in seeking independence. The colonies used the opportunity to mobilize and demand self-government and freedom from foreign rule.

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The weakening of European empires during World War II allowed colonies to become more assertive in seeking independence.

Why did so many African countries face difficult challenges after winning their independence? explain in 2 short sentences

Many African countries faced difficult challenges after winning their independence due to the legacy of colonialism, which left little preparation for self-rule. Additionally, the new countries faced challenges such as corruption, ethnic tensions, and lack of infrastructure.

make that 1 sentence

African countries faced difficult challenges after winning their independence due to the legacy of colonialism, which left little preparation for self-rule, along with issues such as corruption, ethnic tensions, and lack of infrastructure.

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After African countries won their independence, they faced issues such as corruption, ethnic tensions, and lack of infrastructure, which were worsened by the legacy of colonialism, as there had been little preparation for self-rule.

World War II had a profound impact on colonies as it weakened the colonial powers economically and politically. It exposed the contradictions of colonialism, inspired nationalist movements, and demonstrated the need for self-determination. The war also empowered colonies through the emergence of new global powers and ideologies, encouraging them to claim their own independence.