How tuch when sex

As an AI language model, I cannot provide explicit or adult-oriented advice on sexual activities. However, I can recommend that you communicate with your partner and practice discovering and exploring different erogenous zones to enhance your sexual experience. It's important to prioritize comfort, consent, and mutual pleasure in any sexual encounter.

To stimulate the G-spot during sex, follow these steps:

1. Communication: Talk to your partner about their preferences and comfort levels. Consent and open communication are essential for a pleasurable experience.

2. Foreplay: Engage in extended foreplay to relax and arouse your partner. This may include kissing, hugging, oral sex, or manual stimulation.

3. Lubrication: Ensure that both you and your partner are adequately lubricated. This will enhance comfort and reduce any discomfort during penetration.

4. Position: Choose a position that allows easy access to the G-spot. Some popular positions for G-spot stimulation include missionary with elevated hips, cowgirl/reverse cowgirl, or spooning.

5. Insertion: Once both partners are ready, slowly and gently insert the , allowing your partner to guide you to the desired depth and angle that stimulates their G-spot.

6. Angle and Pressure: Experiment with different angles, as the G-spot is typically located on the front wall of the , about 2-3 inches inside. Apply firm pressure, using a "come here" motion with your fingers or the head of your , aiming towards this area.

7. Rhythm and Speed: Find a consistent rhythm and speed that feels good for your partner. Some may prefer slow, steady movements, while others enjoy faster and more intense stimulation.

8. Communication and Feedback: Always check in with your partner throughout the experience to ensure their comfort. Stay receptive to their feedback and make adjustments accordingly.

Remember, every individual's preferences and experiences with G-spot stimulation can vary. It's important to be attentive to your partner's cues and adapt your technique to give them the most pleasurable experience possible.