Moriah is the team leader of a new game development team. Which of the following does Moriah do to introduce the team members to each other and encourage open communication in the workplace?

(1 point)

group dynamics

group dynamics

onboarding activities

onboarding activities




onboarding activities

To introduce the team members to each other and encourage open communication in the workplace, Moriah can do the following:

1. Group dynamics: Moriah can organize team-building activities to help the team members get to know each other better. These activities can include ice-breakers, team-building games, or even off-site retreats.

2. Onboarding activities: Moriah can create an onboarding process for new team members that includes introducing them to the existing team members. This can be done through formal introductions and providing opportunities for the new members to learn about the roles and responsibilities of their teammates.

3. Communication: Moriah can promote open communication by setting up regular team meetings where everyone has a chance to share their ideas and concerns. Moriah can also encourage collaboration by using collaborative tools, such as project management software or online platforms, to facilitate communication among team members.

4. Motivation: Moriah can inspire teamwork and a positive work environment by recognizing and acknowledging the efforts and achievements of team members. Regular feedback, both positive and constructive, can be given to encourage collaboration and continuous improvement.

By implementing these strategies, Moriah can contribute to building a cohesive and communicative game development team.