The graph shows the number of alligators in each place. A bar graph shows the horizontal axis labeled Number of Alligators and the vertical axis labeled Place. The horizontal axis is labeled, from left to right: 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20. The vertical axis is labeled from the bottom of the axis to the top of the axis as follows: Bite Swamp, Chomp Lake, Danger River, and Reptile Creek. The bar line for each place shows the following: Bite Swamp bar line extends to 12, Chomp Lake bar line extends to the middle of 4 and 8, Danger River bar line extends to 12, and Reptile Creek bar line extends to the middle of 8 and 12. How many fewer alligators are in Bite Swamp than in Chomp Lake and Reptile Creek combined?

The number of alligators in Bite Swamp is 12. The number of alligators in Chomp Lake and Reptile Creek combined is the sum of their bar line endpoints divided by 2: (4 + 8 + 8 + 12) / 2 = 16. Therefore, there are 16 - 12 = 4 fewer alligators in Bite Swamp than in Chomp Lake and Reptile Creek combined. Answer: \boxed{4}.