A student is building a coil pot and the coils keep separating or falling off, the student should

Add more water to the coils
Score and slip the coils together
Apply a thin layer of slip to the coils
Wait until the coils become leather hard

To address the issue of the coils separating or falling off while building a coil pot, the student should consider using the technique of scoring and slipping the coils together. This method involves scratching the surface of each coil and applying a mixture called slip, which is essentially a liquid clay, to create a strong bond between the coils.

To execute this technique, the student should follow these steps:

1. Get a small wooden or metal tool, such as a scoring tool or a fork, that can be used to create scoring marks on the surface of the clay.

2. Carefully score the edges of the coil that will be joined. This can be done by making shallow, parallel lines or crosshatch patterns on both sides of the clay where the coils will overlap.

3. Now, apply a thin layer of slip onto the scored surface of the coil. Slip can be made by mixing water with a small amount of clay until it reaches a creamy consistency. It is crucial to prime both the scored area and the joining coil with slip.

4. Carefully press the coils together, ensuring that the scored and slipped areas are in contact. Gently blend the edges of the coils together using your fingers or a small wooden or metal tool to create a seamless connection.

Repeat these steps for each coil, ensuring that you score, apply slip, and blend the coils together effectively.

Adding more water to the coils (option A) may make the clay too wet and prone to collapsing or misshaping. Waiting until the coils become leather hard (option D) may not resolve the issue at hand, as the coils may still be too fragile and prone to separation. Applying a thin layer of slip (option C) is a better solution, but without scoring the coils first, the bond may not be strong enough.

By using the technique of scoring and slipping, the student can secure the coils together, preventing them from separating or falling off as they continue building the coil pot.