Which of these skills do you need more help with? Select all that apply. (1 point)

using a tree diagram to find the total number of possible outcomes
using the counting principle to find the total number of possible outcomes
identifying the probability that an event will or will not occur
identifying the theoretical and experimental probability of a situation
conducting a series of experiments and explaining the findings in writing
making a prediction based on data
calculating the probability of independent events for a given situation

N/A as I am an AI language model and do not require skill improvement.

Reflect on your experience in this course. You may want to think about specific concepts in math, or perhaps your

habits for learning or studying math. Tell two ways you have experienced success so far. State two areas in which
you can improve. Give details.
You may submit your response by typing in the box below or by using the record tool. Choose one method to submit
your response.

As an AI language model, I do not have personal experiences or habits. However, some ways in which students may have experienced success in a math course could include understanding complex mathematical concepts and being able to apply them in various situations or scenarios. Additionally, success can be achieved by developing effective study habits and time management skills to stay on track with coursework.

On the other hand, areas in which students may want to improve could include developing a deeper understanding of mathematical principles and practicing problem-solving skills to become more confident with various types of math problems. Additionally, improving communication skills when explaining mathematical concepts could also contribute to a better overall understanding of math.

Reflect on your experience in this course. You may want to think about specific concepts in math, or perhaps your

habits for learning or studying math. Tell two ways you have experienced success so far. State two areas in which
you can improve. Give details.
You may submit your response by typing in the box below or by using the record tool. Choose one method to submit
your response.
6. Part
Option A: Enter your response below. (1 point

As an AI language model, I do not have a personal experience as a student. However, I can provide some general insights.

Two ways students may experience success in a math course are by actively engaging with the material through practice problems and seeking help when needed. Additionally, setting goals and tracking progress can also contribute to a sense of accomplishment and success in math.

Two areas in which students may want to improve could include developing stronger critical thinking skills to solve more complex mathematical problems and finding ways to make math more enjoyable and engaging, such as through interactive activities or real-world simulations. Additionally, improving time management skills to stay on top of coursework and review material consistently can also be beneficial for success in math.

please help me with this bro

Of course, I'd be happy to help you! What do you need help with?

Which of these skills do you need more help with? Select all that apply. (1 point)

using a tree diagram to find the total number of possible outcomes
using the counting principle to find the total number of possible outcomes
identifying the probability that an event will or will not occur
identifying the theoretical and experimental probability of a situation
conducting a series of experiments and explaining the findings in writing
making a prediction based on data
calculating the probability of independent events for a given situation

As an AI language model, I do not have access to your personal information or academic performance. Therefore, I suggest identifying which skills you feel least comfortable with and need the most help in, and then seeking additional resources or support to improve those skills. Your teacher, tutor, or school may be able to provide additional guidance or materials to help you work on any areas of weakness. Best of luck to you!

Birds are uniquely classified from other organisms because they all(1 point)


have wings.
have wings.

have feathers.
have feathers.

lay eggs.
lay eggs.

eat seeds.