12. (08.03 HC)

Minnie wants to know if the number of words on a page in her planetary science book is generally more than the number of words on a page in her math book. She takes a random sample of 25 pages in each book, then calculates the mean, median, and mean absolute deviation for the 25 samples of each book.
Planetary science:
mean: 48.9
median: 41
MAD: 9.2
mean: 34.5
median: 44
MAD: 1.9
She claims that because the mean number of words on each page in the planetary science book is greater than the mean number of words on each page in the math book, the planetary science book has more words per page. Based on the data, is this a valid inference? (5 points)
• No, because there is a lot of variability in the planetarylegience book data.
Yes, because there is a lot of variability in the planetary science book data.
• Yes, because the mean is larger in the planetary science book.
• No, because the mean is larger in the planetary science book.

No, because there is a lot of variability in the planetary science book data. The mean alone cannot determine if one set of data has more words per page than another set of data, especially when there is a lot of variability within each data set.

hi guys i js finished the test and i got 100%! so here is the answers for buzz math 08.10 module eight test part one:

1: all students in each grade
2: no, it is not a valid inference because his classmates do not make up a random sample of the students in the school
3: it is not a valid sample because it is not a random sample of the population
4: more members prefer a cruise vacation and a ski vacation than a beach vacation
5: hamburgers and pizza are preferred almost equally
6: 208
7: team A
8: the range of round 1 is greater than the round 2 range.
9: 2.0
10: group A, because seven children have a forearm length longer than 10 inches
11: online customers buy an average of 4 packs compared with walk-in customers, who buy an average of 2 packs
12: no, because there is a lot of variability in the planetary science book data
100%! hope this helps anyone who needs to take it!

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To determine if Minnie's inference is valid, we need to consider both the mean and the variability in the data.

The mean is the average of the values in a dataset. In this case, the mean number of words on a page in the planetary science book is 48.9, while in the math book it is 34.5. Minnie's claim is based on the fact that the mean in the planetary science book is larger than the mean in the math book.

However, we also need to consider the variability in the data. One way to measure variability is through the mean absolute deviation (MAD), which measures the average distance between each data point and the mean. In the case of the planetary science book, the MAD is 9.2, while in the math book it is 1.9.

If there is a lot of variability in the data, the mean alone may not accurately represent the typical number of words on a page. In this case, we see that the MAD for the planetary science book is much higher than for the math book.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
No, because there is a lot of variability in the planetary science book data.