Select 3 that apply.

The causes of water pollution are:
extra salt from the ocean
agricultural chemicals
too much soil
industrial wastes

agricultural chemicals, sewage, industrial wastes

The definition of contaminated is _____.

A)polluted, or, caused to become impure
B)having to do with a city or town
C)assigned to a particular purpose
D)to put into action or force, as a law
E)rain that contains diluted acid; rain with a lower than normal pH

A) polluted, or, caused to become impure

To select the three options that apply to the causes of water pollution, we need to identify which of the listed options are valid causes. Here's an explanation of each option and whether it contributes to water pollution:

1. Extra salt from the ocean: This option is not a direct cause of water pollution. While high levels of salt can affect water quality and harm certain ecosystems, it is not typically considered a main factor in water pollution.

2. Agricultural chemicals: This option is a significant cause of water pollution. When farmers use fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides on their crops, rainwater or irrigation can wash these chemicals into nearby water sources, leading to pollution.

3. Sewage: This option is another common cause of water pollution. Sewage includes various wastes and contaminants from residential, commercial, and industrial activities that enter water bodies through improper waste management, leaks, or sewage system overflows.

4. Too much soil: This option is valid. When excessive soil erosion occurs due to human activities like deforestation, construction, or improper agricultural practices, it can result in sedimentation in water bodies, which degrades water quality and harms aquatic ecosystems.

5. Industrial wastes: This option is also a primary cause of water pollution. Industries generate various toxic substances, heavy metals, chemicals, and other pollutants as by-products of their manufacturing processes. If these waste materials are not properly treated or disposed of, they can contaminate water sources.

Based on this explanation, the three options that apply as causes of water pollution are:
- Agricultural chemicals
- Sewage
- Industrial wastes