A man sold 100 fowls in 5 days, each day, selling 6 more fowl than the previous day. How many fowls did he sell the first day

Let x be the number of fowls sold on the first day.

Then the number of fowls sold on the second day is x + 6,
the number of fowls sold on the third day is x + 12,
the number of fowls sold on the fourth day is x + 18,
and the number of fowls sold on the fifth day is x + 24.
The total number of fowls sold is x + (x + 6) + (x + 12) + (x + 18) + (x + 24) = 5x + 60.
We know that the total number of fowls sold is 100, so:
5x + 60 = 100
5x = 40
x = 8
Therefore, the man sold 8 fowls on the first day.