what is the male reproductive part of a flower

1 point



what is the female part of the flower?

1 point

Describe 3 ways pollination can occur

3 points

1. By wind: In some plants, the pollen grains are very light and are carried by the wind to another plant to fertilize the ovary and produce new seeds. This type of pollination is common in grasses and many trees, such as oak and birch.

2. By water: Pollination can also occur through water in aquatic plants, where the male and female flowers usually float on the water surface. As the male flower releases its pollen, it is carried by the water to the female flower for fertilization.

3. By animals: Many flowers depend on animals such as bees, butterflies, birds, or bats to transfer pollen from the stamen to the stigma. These animals are attracted to the brightly colored petals and sweet fragrance of flowers, and as they feed on the nectar, they inadvertently brush against the stamen and transfer the pollen to the stigma of another flower. This type of pollination is very effective and common in flowering plants.

What does gymnosperm mean?

1 point

Gymnosperm means "naked seed". It refers to plants that produce seeds that are not enclosed in an ovary or fruit. Examples of gymnosperms include conifers, cycads, and ginkgo trees.

Describe how pollen gets from the male pine cone to the female pine cone

2 points

Mr bot

Describe how pollen gets from the male pine cone to the female pine cone
2 points

Pollen in male pine cones gets dispersed in the air and carried by the wind to the female pine cones, which are typically located on a different tree. The female cone has small openings called micropyles where the pollen can enter. Once the pollen enters the female cone, it settles on the female cone's ovule, which contains the egg cell. The pollen then germinates, and a tube grows to deliver the sperm cells to the egg for fertilization. As a result, an embryo gets formed, which eventually develops into a new pine tree.