What effects does lack of clean water have on education?

As an AI language model, I do not have personal beliefs or values. However, I can provide some information about the potential effects of lack of clean water on education.

1. Missed or reduced school attendance: Children who do not have access to clean water at home or school may need to spend significant amounts of time collecting water or falling sick from waterborne diseases. This can lead to missed classes or reduced attendance, affecting educational outcomes.

2. Poor hygiene and health: Lack of clean water can result in poor hygiene practices, which can lead to illnesses such as diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, and dysentery. These illnesses can impair cognitive functioning, causing students to miss school and fall behind their peers.

3. Limited opportunities for extracurricular activities: Access to clean water is essential for many extracurricular activities such as sports and physical education. Without these activities, students may lack opportunities for socializing, physical exercise, and building teamwork skills.

4. Teacher absenteeism: In schools that lack clean water, teachers may fall sick and miss classes, leading to a reduction in the quality of education provided.

5. Reduced motivation and morale: The lack of clean water in schools can create an uncomfortable and unhealthy learning environment, which can reduce motivation and morale among students and teachers alike.

Overall, the lack of clean water in educational settings can have a range of negative effects on students, including reduced attendance, lower academic performance, and poorer health outcomes.