Which is the best display for the set of the number of daily 911 calls made during a month, if you want to be able to identify the mode?

The best display for the set of the number of daily 911 calls made during a month to identify the mode would be a histogram.

histogram with interval of 3 or 5?

A histogram with an interval of 5 would likely be more appropriate for this data set, as it would allow for more distinct bars and a clearer representation of the data. An interval of 3 might result in too many bars and make it more difficult to identify the mode.


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To identify the mode, it is recommended to use a display that emphasizes the count or frequency of each value. The most suitable display for this purpose is a histogram.

To create a histogram for the number of daily 911 calls made during a month, follow these steps:

1. Collect the data: Gather the number of daily 911 calls for each day of the month.
2. Determine the range: Identify the minimum and maximum values of the data set.
3. Choose the number of classes or bins: Decide on the number of intervals to divide the range into. This should be sufficient to provide meaningful information without making the histogram too crowded or sparse.
4. Calculate the class width: Divide the range by the number of classes to determine the width for each interval.
5. Create the histogram: On a graph or chart, draw a horizontal axis to represent the range of values and a vertical axis to represent the frequency or count.
6. Plot the intervals: Starting from the minimum value, mark the intervals on the horizontal axis according to the calculated class width.
7. Count the occurrences: For each interval, count the number of data points falling within that range.
8. Plot the bars: For each interval, draw a vertical bar starting from the horizontal axis up to the corresponding frequency count.
9. Analyze the mode: Identify the bar with the highest frequency. This bar represents the mode, which is the value (or values) that occurs most frequently in the dataset.

By using a histogram, you can visually identify the mode by locating the tallest bar on the graph.