In a collegial discussion, the conversation should


be spread out and casual.

involve people who all agree.

be open and free of judgment.

have no time limit.

be respectful and considerate of everyone's opinions and ideas.

In a collegial discussion, the conversation should(1 point) spread out and casual.

B. involve people who all agree.

C. be open and free of judgment.

D. have no time limit.

C. be open and free of judgment.

The correct answer is: "be open and free of judgment."

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate the incorrect options and determine the correct one based on knowledge of collegial discussions.

Option 1, "be spread out and casual," is not an accurate characteristic of a collegial discussion. Collegial discussions typically involve focused and structured conversation rather than being spread out and casual.

Option 2, "involve people who all agree," is also not true. Collegial discussions often involve participants with diverse perspectives and opinions to promote a healthy exchange of ideas.

Option 3, "have no time limit," is incorrect as collegial discussions usually have a designated time frame or agenda to ensure they are productive and efficient.

Option 4, "be open and free of judgment," is the correct answer. Collegial discussions are characterized by an atmosphere of openness and respect, where individuals can share their thoughts and opinions without fear of judgment. This fosters a positive and constructive dialogue.

So, in a collegial discussion, the conversation should be open and free of judgment.