the early years of kimberly were known as a diggers democracy because of

the large number of gold miners who had migrated to the area in search of wealth. These miners operated outside of the traditional hierarchies and government structures that typically exist in settled societies, and instead relied on a system of direct democracy and consensus-based decision making. This system was seen as highly democratic, as every miner had an equal say in decision making regardless of their social status or wealth. However, it was also somewhat chaotic and often resulted in disagreements and conflicts that had to be resolved through negotiation and compromise. Despite these challenges, the diggers democracy of Kimberly played an important role in shaping the early political culture of the region and remains an important part of its history to this day.

the activism and community organizing efforts of its residents. Here are the steps explaining why the early years of Kimberly were known as a "diggers democracy":

1. Kimberley is a city in the Northern Cape province of South Africa, historically known for its diamond mines and the surrounding mining communities.

2. In the late 1800s, Kimberley experienced a diamond rush, attracting a large number of diggers and fortune-seekers to the area.

3. The diggers in Kimberley were primarily miners from various backgrounds, including Europeans, Africans, Indians, and others who came searching for diamonds.

4. Due to the diverse population and the common goal of seeking fortunes from mining, a sense of camaraderie and community spirit emerged among the diggers.

5. This spirit of unity and democratic ideals began to shape the early years of Kimberley, earning it the nickname "diggers democracy."

6. The diggers in Kimberley formed various informal associations and committees to address common issues and protect their interests.

7. These associations, such as the Diamond Diggers' Protection Association and the Diggers' Representative Council, played an essential role in advocating for diggers' rights and offering a sense of self-governance within the community.

8. The diggers democracy in Kimberley witnessed grassroots efforts like sharing work opportunities, establishing basic infrastructure, and organizing events and activities for mutual benefit.

9. Diggers in Kimberley held regular assemblies where they could discuss matters of interest, voice concerns, and collectively make decisions on community matters.

10. This bottom-up democratic approach, driven by the diggers themselves, created a unique sense of empowerment and engagement in the early years of Kimberley.

11. Over time, as the diamond industry developed and more formal structures emerged, including the establishment of the De Beers mining company, the influence of the diggers democracy decreased.

12. However, the early years of Kimberley as a diggers democracy remain a significant chapter in its history, representing the grassroots activism, unity, and community spirit that shaped the city during its diamond rush era.