The area of a kite is 180 cm2. The length of one diagonal is 16cm. What is the length of the other diagonal?

(This is tenth grade math, please don't make it advanced.)

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We know that the area of a kite is found by multiplying the lengths of its two diagonals and dividing by 2. So, we can use this formula to find the missing diagonal:

Area = (d1 x d2) / 2

Where d1 and d2 are the diagonals of the kite.

We are given that the area is 180 cm^2 and one diagonal (d1) is 16 cm. Let's plug in what we know and solve for the missing diagonal (d2):

180 = (16 x d2) / 2
Multiplying both sides by 2:
360 = 16 x d2
Dividing both sides by 16:
d2 = 22.5

Therefore, the length of the other diagonal (d2) is 22.5 cm.