Seawater is 5% salt. How much seawater do you need to get 17.25 lb of salt?

First, we need to determine how much salt is in one unit of seawater, which we'll call "x". If seawater is 5% salt, that means that for every 100 units of seawater, 5 units are salt. We can write this as:

5/100 = x/1

Simplifying this equation, we get:

0.05 = x

So one unit of seawater contains 0.05 lb of salt.

To find out how much seawater we need to get 17.25 lb of salt, we can set up a proportion. Let's call the amount of seawater we need "y":

0.05/1 = 17.25/y

Cross-multiplying, we get:

0.05y = 17.25

Dividing both sides by 0.05, we get:

y = 345

So we need 345 units of seawater to get 17.25 lb of salt.