Sammy and 4 friends went to Austin for a summer weekend. Sammy made 21 cups of lemonade. Everyone, including, Sammy, wants an equal amount of all the lemonade.

How much lemonade should each person get?

There are 5 people who want to share the 21 cups of lemonade equally, so each person should get 21/5 = 4.2 cups of lemonade. However, since you can't split a cup of lemonade, each person should get either 4 cups or 5 cups, but they all should have the same amount.

In the equation below, is 5/3 a factor or the product?

A. Factor
B. Product
C. Neither

B. Product

To determine how much lemonade each person should get, we need to divide the total amount of lemonade made by the number of people. In this case, there are 5 people in total (Sammy and 4 friends).

To calculate the amount of lemonade each person gets, divide the total amount of lemonade made (21 cups) by the number of people:

21 cups / 5 people = 4.2 cups

Therefore, each person, including Sammy, should get 4.2 cups of lemonade.