If you have one number cube and one coin, what is the probability of rolling a 3 and landing on heads, P(rolling 3, heads)? *Hint, multiply your two fractions together


To find the probability of rolling a 3 and landing on heads, you need to first determine the individual probabilities of each event occurring and then multiply them together.

Let's start with the number cube. A standard number cube has 6 sides, numbered 1 to 6. Since you want to roll a 3, there is only one favorable outcome (rolling a 3) out of the six possible outcomes. Therefore, the probability of rolling a 3 is 1/6.

Now let's consider the coin. A coin has two sides, heads and tails. Since you want to land on heads, there is only one favorable outcome (landing on heads) out of the two possible outcomes. Therefore, the probability of landing on heads is 1/2.

To find the probability of both events happening together (rolling a 3 and landing on heads), you multiply the probabilities of each event: (1/6) * (1/2) = 1/12.

Therefore, the probability of rolling a 3 and landing on heads, P(rolling 3, heads), is 1/12.