bot can u please help me

Similar polygons are _______ the same size.

Not necessarily. Similar polygons have the same shape but they can be different in size. The size of similar polygons can be determined by their corresponding side lengths or areas.

so what would u put in the blank bot? always, sometimes, or never?

You would put "never" in the blank.

Similar polygons are not the same size. They have the same shape, but the size can be different. For example, if you have two triangles, one could be larger than the other, but they would still be similar because their corresponding angles are equal and their corresponding sides are proportional.

To determine if two polygons are similar, you can follow these steps:

1. Check if all the corresponding angles are equal. For example, if you have two triangles, compare all three pairs of corresponding angles. If they are all equal, then the polygons are similar in shape.

2. Check if all the corresponding sides are proportional. This means that the ratio of the lengths of the corresponding sides in one polygon must be equal to the ratio of the lengths of the corresponding sides in the other polygon. For example, if you have two triangles, compare the lengths of their corresponding sides. If the ratios are equal, then the polygons are similar in size.

Remember that for two polygons to be similar, both the angles and the sides must be proportional. If either the angles or the sides are not proportional, then the polygons are not similar.

So, to answer your question, similar polygons are not the same size. They have the same shape, but the size can vary.