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Marissa is researching information about martial arts students. She found that 7 out of 12 martial artists practice every day. There are 144 martial arts students at a school.

a. Predict how many students practice every day.

b. What is the sample size?

a. To predict how many students practice every day, we can use a proportion.

We know that 7 out of 12 students practice every day. So, the proportion of students who practice every day is:


To find out how many students out of 144 practice every day, we can set up a proportion:

7/12 = x/144

where x is the number of students who practice every day.

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

12x = 7 * 144

12x = 1008

x = 84

Therefore, we can predict that 84 students out of 144 practice martial arts every day.

b. The sample size is 144, which represents the total number of martial arts students in the school.