The length of a basket is measured to be 13 inches, but the basket is actually 1 foot long. What is the percent error in the measurement?

First, we need to convert 1 foot to inches:

1 foot = 12 inches

Now we can calculate the absolute error:

Absolute error = actual value - measured value
Absolute error = 12 inches - 13 inches
Absolute error = -1 inch

Note that the absolute error is negative because the measured value is larger than the actual value.

Next, we can calculate the percent error:

Percent error = (absolute error / actual value) x 100%
Percent error = (-1 inch / 12 inches) x 100%
Percent error = -0.0833 x 100%
Percent error = -8.33%

Again, the negative sign indicates that the measured value is larger than the actual value. Therefore, we can say that the length of the basket was overestimated by 8.33%.

The price (p) of a lunch special is $8.50. The restaurant increases the price by 12%. Which statements are true for this situation?

To determine which statements are true for this situation, we can calculate the new price after the 12% increase.

First, we convert the percentage to a decimal:

12% = 0.12

Next, we calculate the amount of the increase:

Increase = 0.12 x $8.50
Increase = $1.02

Finally, we add the increase to the original price to find the new price:

New price = $8.50 + $1.02
New price = $9.52

Now we can evaluate the statements:

1. The new price is $9.52.
True, based on our calculation above.

2. The increase in price is $0.12.
False, the actual increase is $1.02.

3. The percent increase is less than 10%.
False, the percent increase is 12%.

4. The price of the lunch special is now too expensive.
This statement cannot be evaluated as it is subjective.

Jackie's restaurant bill was $23.50, and the tax was 8%. Jackie left a 20% tip on the post-tax bill. How much was the tip Jackie left?

First, we need to calculate the amount of tax on the bill:

Tax = 0.08 x $23.50
Tax = $1.88

Now we can calculate the total bill:

Total bill = $23.50 + $1.88
Total bill = $25.38

Next, we need to calculate the amount of the tip based on the post-tax bill:

Tip = 0.20 x $25.38
Tip = $5.08

Therefore, Jackie left a tip of $5.08.

Shayla's rideshare fare from the airport was $28.50, and she added a 15% tip. How much did Shayla pay in total?

First, we need to calculate the amount of the tip:

Tip = 0.15 x $28.50
Tip = $4.28

Now we can calculate the total cost:

Total cost = $28.50 + $4.28
Total cost = $32.78

Therefore, Shayla paid $32.78 in total.