The specific heat (heat capacity) of toretel is found to be 4.9 (cal/g * °C). What is the amount of energy transferred in in Kcal if 3.00g toretel changes in temperature from 102.

°C to 130. °C?

We can use the formula:

Q = m * c * ΔT

Where Q is the amount of energy transferred (in calories), m is the mass in grams, c is the specific heat in cal/g°C, and ΔT is the change in temperature in °C.

First, we need to convert the mass to grams:

m = 3.00 g

Next, we can plug in the given values and calculate the amount of energy transferred:

Q = 3.00 g * 4.9 (cal/g * °C) * (130. °C - 102. °C)

Q = 3.00 g * 4.9 (cal/g * °C) * 28. °C

Q = 411.6 cal

Finally, we can convert this to kilocalories (Kcal):

Q = 0.4116 Kcal

Therefore, the amount of energy transferred in Kcal if 3.00g toretel changes in temperature from 102. °C to 130. °C is 0.4116 Kcal.

To calculate the amount of energy transferred, you can use the formula:

q = m * c * ΔT

q = amount of energy transferred (in calories or kcal)
m = mass of the substance (in grams)
c = specific heat capacity of the substance (in cal/g * °C)
ΔT = change in temperature (in °C)

m = 3.00 g
c = 4.9 cal/g * °C
ΔT = 130 °C - 102 °C = 28 °C

Substituting these values into the formula:

q = 3.00 g * 4.9 cal/g * °C * 28 °C

Calculating this:

q = 411.6 cal

To convert from calories to kilocalories (Kcal), divide the value by 1000:

q = 411.6 cal / 1000

q ≈ 0.412 Kcal

Therefore, the amount of energy transferred is approximately 0.412 Kcal.