What do waves transfer?

Transfers - Metro Transit


The correct answer is c) energy. Waves transfer energy from one place to another without actually transporting any matter or particles.

Waves transfer energy.

Waves transfer energy. To understand this, let's break down the options given.

a) Particles: While waves can interact with particles, they do not typically transfer particles themselves. Instead, they cause the particles to vibrate or oscillate.

b) Vibrations: Waves do transfer vibrations. When a wave moves through a medium, such as air or water, it causes the particles in the medium to vibrate back and forth. This vibration is what transfers energy from one location to another.

c) Energy: This is the correct answer. Waves transfer energy from one place to another. As the wave travels, it carries energy along with it. The amplitude or height of the wave represents the amount of energy being transferred.

d) Matter: Waves can travel through various forms of matter, but they do not transfer matter itself. Matter remains in place while the wave passes through it, transferring energy in the process.

In summary, waves transfer energy through the vibrations they create in a medium, such as air, water, or solids.