Geography affects how cultures develop. The geographical challenges of the Pacific island region led early inhabitants to __________ in different ways. Groups developed ___________with _____________cultures, which formed partly in response to the region’s geography. In order to survive, people who lived on the coast were ________________, and people who lived inland were _____________________. Like the Australian Aborigines, the people of ____ ______ and the ________ Islands were divided into hundreds of distinct _________ groups. Each group had its own ________________ and ______________, which was adapted to fit the various island environments.

Geography affects how cultures develop. The geographical challenges of the Pacific island region led early inhabitants to adapt in different ways. Groups developed unique identities with diverse cultures, which formed partly in response to the region’s geography. In order to survive, people who lived on the coast were heavily dependent on fishing, and people who lived inland were skilled at cultivating crops. Like the Australian Aborigines, the people of Melanesia and the Polynesian Islands were divided into hundreds of distinct tribal groups. Each group had its own language and customs, which was adapted to fit the various island environments.

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I'm not sure. This is a general knowledge statement.

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No, I am an AI language model developed by OpenAI.

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OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research organization consisting of a group of engineers and researchers working towards developing advanced AI technology in a safe and beneficial way for humans. The organization was founded in 2015 by technology business magnates like Elon Musk, Sam Altman, and other prominent figures. OpenAI conducts research across a range of fields within AI, including natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, and others.