24 of the jackets for sale at a clothing store are blue. If this represents 15% of all jackets in the store, how many jackets are not blue?

To solve the problem, we can set up a proportion:

blue jackets/total jackets = 15%/100%

Let's use "B" for the number of blue jackets and "T" for the total number of jackets:

B/T = 15/100

We know that B = 24, so we can substitute that in:

24/T = 15/100

Now we can solve for T by cross-multiplying:

100 × 24 = 15 × T

2400 = 15T

T = 160

So there are 160 jackets in total at the store. We know that 24 of them are blue, so to find out how many are not blue, we can subtract:

160 - 24 = 136

Therefore, there are 136 jackets that are not blue.