On Monday, Mr. Roberts drove 42 miles.

On Tuesday, he drove 5 miles more than half the distance he drove on Monday.
Which expression shows how you could find the distance, in miles, Mr. Roberts drove on Tuesday?

A. (42−5)×2

B. 42−(5×2)

C. (42÷2)−5

D. (42÷2)+5

First, we need to find half the distance Mr. Roberts drove on Monday:

1/2 * 42 = 21

Next, we add 5 miles to that distance:

21 + 5 = 26

Therefore, the expression that shows how to find the distance Mr. Roberts drove on Tuesday is:

C. (42 ÷ 2) - 5, which simplifies to 21 - 5 = 16. Mr. Roberts drove 16 miles on Tuesday.