Kasi is making a scrapbook of her trip to Europe. If she creates 7 pages in 2 hours, which is a reasonable estimate of the amount of time it will take her to create a 50-page scrapbook?


A between 14 and 15 hours

B between 17 and 18 hours

C between 13 and 14 hours

D between 15 and 16 hours

E between 16 and 17 hours

D between 15 and 16 hours


To find out the approximate time Kasi will require to create a 50-page scrapbook, we can use the method of proportion:

If Kasi creates 7 pages in 2 hours, then she creates (7/2) pages per hour.

To create 50 pages, Kasi will require (50/(7/2)) hours.

Multiplying by the reciprocal, we get:

(50/(7/2)) x (2/1) = 100/7 hours

Rounding off, we get the answer as between 15 and 16 hours, which is option D.

To estimate the amount of time it will take Kasi to create a 50-page scrapbook, we need to find the average time it takes her to create one page.

First, we divide the total number of pages created (7) by the total time taken (2 hours): 7 pages / 2 hours = 3.5 pages per hour.

Next, we divide the total number of pages in the scrapbook (50) by the average number of pages created per hour (3.5 pages per hour): 50 pages / 3.5 pages per hour = 14.29 hours.

Since Kasi cannot create a fraction of an hour, we round up to the nearest whole hour.

Based on this calculation, a reasonable estimate of the amount of time it will take her to create a 50-page scrapbook is between 14 and 15 hours.

Therefore, the correct option is A: between 14 and 15 hours.