What is the main purpose of an argument with sound reasoning?

1. to validate responses

2. to give a sense of satisfaction

3. to create evidence

4. to persuade others

4. to persuade others

Yes, you are correct. The main purpose of an argument with sound reasoning is to persuade others.

number 4 i think

The main purpose of an argument with sound reasoning is to persuade others. Option 4 is the correct answer.

When engaging in an argument, the goal is to present a strong case or position that convinces or influences others to accept your perspective or point of view. This is achieved through the use of sound reasoning, which refers to the use of logical and coherent arguments based on evidence, facts, and logical deductions.

To persuade others effectively, it is crucial to construct a well-reasoned argument. This involves clearly presenting the premises (the reasons or evidence supporting your claim) and using valid and logical deductions to derive conclusions. By doing so, you provide a rational and compelling case that appeals to others' reason and intellect, increasing the likelihood that they will be persuaded or influenced by your stance.

While arguments can validate responses, give a sense of satisfaction, or create evidence indirectly as by-products, their primary purpose lies in presenting a well-reasoned case to persuade others.