A characteristic commonly found in Islamic art and architecture was

the use of intricate geometric patterns and intricate calligraphy. These patterns often incorporated Islamic religious and cultural symbols, such as the star and crescent, the Arabic script for Allah, and the repeating pattern known as the "Arabesque." Islamic architecture is also well-known for its use of domes, arches, and ornate tile work, as seen in structures like the Alhambra and the Taj Mahal. Another characteristic is the use of muqarna, which are highly decorative, often honeycomb-like, structural elements used as a transition between different surfaces or levels.

Look at the table.

Area of Achievement Achievement
philosophy combined Islamic faith with Greek logic
medicine published a medical encyclopedia
mathematics ?

Which achievement completes the table?

invented the telescope

spread the concept of zero

invented geometry

used Roman numerals

B. spread the concept of zero

thank you i got 100

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A characteristic commonly found in Islamic art and architecture is the extensive use of geometric patterns and intricate designs. These patterns typically consist of repetitive motifs such as stars, squares, circles, and floral shapes, which are often arranged in a symmetrical manner. Islamic art emphasizes unity, balance, and harmony, and these geometric patterns reflect these ideals.

To determine this characteristic, one can study the history of Islamic art and architecture or reference reliable sources such as books, articles, or academic websites. Museums specializing in Islamic art, exhibitions, or collections can also provide insights into the subject. Additionally, consulting experts or scholars in Islamic art and architecture can offer a deep understanding of the common features and characteristics found in this art form.