What are some ways new technologies could help against pollution from chemical processes?

1. Advanced Catalytic Converters - These converters can convert the pollutants into less harmful forms before they are released into the atmosphere.

2. Chemical Scrubbers - Chemical scrubbers can help to remove pollutants from the exhaust gases before they are dispersed into the atmosphere.

3. Membrane Technology - This technology can help to filter out pollutants from wastewater before they are discharged into the environment.

4. Molecular Imprinted Polymers - These polymers can trap specific pollutants in wastewater and prevent them from entering the environment.

5. Remote Sensing and Monitoring - Remote sensing and monitoring technologies can help to identify and track sources of pollution, allowing for quicker responses and prevention measures.

6. Bioremediation - Bioremediation technologies can use microbes and other biological agents to break down pollutants in the environment.

7. Advanced Analytics - Advanced analytics can help to predict and prevent environmental catastrophes caused by chemical processes.

8. Green Chemistry - Green chemistry practices can help to reduce the use and release of hazardous chemicals and pollutants from chemical processes.