38. Scientists have several specimens from the same time period from several thousand years ago. Which two specimens should they study so that they can most easily learn about the amount of rainfall at that time and the kinds of plants that grew then?

A. Ice cores
B. Tree rings
C. Continental rock samples
D. Foraminifera
E. Fossilized Pollen

B. Tree rings and E. Fossilized Pollen. Tree rings can provide information about precipitation patterns and the overall climate of the time period, while fossilized pollen can give insight into the types of plants that were present and the environmental conditions in which they thrived.

To study the amount of rainfall at a specific time period several thousand years ago, scientists can most easily examine two specimens: B. Tree rings and E. Fossilized Pollen.

1. Tree rings (option B): Tree rings can provide valuable information about past climate conditions, including the amount of rainfall. Each tree ring represents a year of growth, and the width of the rings can be used to determine the moisture availability. Wider rings often indicate periods of higher rainfall, while narrower rings suggest drier conditions.

2. Fossilized Pollen (option E): Fossilized Pollen, also known as palynology, can provide important insights into the types of plants that grew during a specific time period. By studying fossilized pollen grains preserved in sediments or rocks, scientists can determine the composition of the past vegetation, which can in turn give clues about the climate conditions, including rainfall patterns.

Using these two specimens, scientists can gain a comprehensive understanding of the historical rainfall levels and the kinds of plants that thrived during that time.