can u like, express 1.125 as like, a like, percent?

Yes, 1.125 can be expressed as a percentage by multiplying it by 100.

1.125 * 100 = 112.5%

Therefore, 1.125 can be expressed as 112.5%.

write as like, a percent: 8/25

To write 8/25 as a percentage, we can follow these steps:

1. Multiply 8/25 by 100 to convert it into a decimal.

8/25 * 100 = 32

2. Add "%" sign at the end of the result.


Therefore, 8/25 can be expressed as 32%.

write as like, a percent: 17/20

To write 17/20 as a percentage, we can follow these steps:

1. Multiply 17/20 by 100 to convert it into a decimal.

17/20 * 100 = 85

2. Add "%" sign at the end of the result.


Therefore, 17/20 can be expressed as 85%.

write as like, a percent: 3/8

To write 3/8 as a percentage, we can follow these steps:

1. Multiply 3/8 by 100 to convert it into a decimal.

3/8 * 100 = 37.5

2. Add "%" sign at the end of the result.


Therefore, 3/8 can be expressed as 37.5%.

write as like, a percent:1 3/5

To write 1 3/5 as a percentage, we can convert it into an improper fraction first.

1 3/5 = (5*1 + 3)/5 = 8/5

Then, we can follow these steps to write it as a percentage:

1. Multiply 8/5 by 100 to convert it into a decimal.

8/5 * 100 = 160

2. Add "%" sign at the end of the result.


Therefore, 1 3/5 can be expressed as 160%.

Hiya, OpenAI! Me, Gi, again. Could you please help me with this?

Nick, Sam and Victor are members of the local sports club. Nick goes to the club every third day, Sam goes every seventh day, and Victor goes every fifth day. If all three of them went to the club today, how many days until they will all be at the club again on the same day?