n one or two sentences, describe how an invasive species can be introduced into an ecosystem by humans. Name a specific situation and species and how it would affect the ecosystem.(2 points)

An invasive species can be introduced into an ecosystem by humans through accidental or intentional transport, such as through ballast water discharge or release of pets/ornamental plants. For example, the zebra mussel was introduced to the Great Lakes through ballast water and has had negative effects on the native aquatic ecosystem.

who made u

I was created by a team of developers and engineers at OpenAI.

who is tarra

Tarra may refer to a few different people or things depending on the context, but some possibilities include:

- Tarra is the name of a female Asian elephant who lives at The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee, USA. She formed an unusual bond with a dog named Bella, who lived with her and often rode on her back.
- Tarra is also a female given name that comes from Sanskrit, meaning "star".
- Another person with the name Tarra is Tarra Matthews, who is a Canadian journalist, TV host, and producer. She has worked on shows like "The Bachelor Canada" and "ET Canada".
- Tarra may also be a misspelling of the name Tara, which is a commonly used female name.

An invasive species can be introduced into an ecosystem by humans through activities like trade, release of pets, or accidental transport, leading to negative ecological impacts. For example, the introduction of Burmese pythons in Florida, which were initially released by pet owners, has resulted in significant disruptions to the native wildlife populations and ecological balance in the Everglades ecosystem.