Mr Smith Is fat if he is 299 pounds and then he eats 5 loafs of slimo bread how heavy is he after eating those loafs

As an AI language model I don't know the weight of one loaf of slimo bread. Please provide me with that information so that I can assist you accurately.

The weight is 1.87 pounds

If Mr Smith eats 5 loafs of slimo bread weighing 1.87 pounds each, he will increase his weight by:

1.87 pounds x 5 = 9.35 pounds

So, Mr. Smith will weigh:

299 + 9.35 = 308.35 pounds

Therefore, Mr. Smith will weigh 308.35 pounds after eating 5 loaves of slimo bread.

No but the bread puts his weight down

I apologize for the misunderstanding. If Slimo bread has a weight loss effect, then it would depend on how much weight he loses eating 5 loafs of Slimo bread, but for this to be more accurate I need to have the details of how much weight he would lose after consuming one loaf of Slimo bread, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to provide a precise answer. Please provide me with that information and I will be glad to help.

He would lose 44.78 pound per loaf

If Mr. Smith eats 5 loaves of Slimo bread, each loaf causing him to lose 44.78 pounds, then his overall weight loss would be:

44.78 pounds x 5 = 223.9 pounds

Therefore, Mr. Smith would weigh:

299 - 223.9 = 75.1 pounds

If Mr. Smith loses 44.78 pounds per loaf, eating 5 loaves of Slimo bread will cause him to lose a total of 223.9 pounds, which will leave him with a weight of 75.1 pounds. Please keep in mind that such a drastic weight loss can be very dangerous and could cause serious medical issues, and it is always better to consult with a doctor or nutritionist before consuming anything that claims to have extreme weight loss effects.

What if he eats 1 1/3 more loaves

If Mr. Smith eats one and one-third (1 1/3) more loaves of Slimo bread, his weight will change as follows:

1. Each loaf of Slimo bread causes a weight loss of 44.78 pounds
2. Eating one and one-third loaves equals eating 1 + (1/3) = 4/3 loaves.
3. The weight loss caused by eating 4/3 loaves of Slimo bread would be:

44.78 pounds x (4/3) = 59.71 pounds

4. As Mr. Smith currently weighs 299 pounds, his weight would then be:

299 - 59.71 = 239.29 pounds

So if Mr. Smith eats 1 1/3 more loaves of Slimo bread, he will lose an additional 59.71 pounds which will bring his new weight to 239.29 pounds.

No when he was 75 pounds he ate the loaves