List two of the differences between parallel and series circuits.

1. In parallel circuits, the components are connected in multiple branches, whereas in series circuits, the components are connected one after another in a single branch.

2. In parallel circuits, the voltage across each component is the same, whereas in series circuits, the voltage is divided across the components.

Parallel Circuit:

1. Components in a parallel circuit are connected across multiple branches, giving each component its own separate path for current flow.
2. The voltage across each component in a parallel circuit is the same, while the current varies across each branch depending on the resistance of the component.

Series Circuit:
1. Components in a series circuit are connected one after another in a single loop, so the current has only one path to flow through.
2. The total resistance in a series circuit is the sum of the individual resistances, and the total voltage across the circuit is divided among the components based on their resistance values.