Hugo uses 2 2/5 cups of vinegar in his salad dressing recipe. How much vinegar would Hugo use to make 3 7/8 recipes?

Simplify your answer and write it as a fraction or as a whole or mixed number.


what is the answer to this

To find the answer, you need to multiply the amount of vinegar used in one recipe by the number of recipes.

2 2/5 cups x 3 7/8 =

To make this calculation easier, you can convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:

2 2/5 = 12/5

3 7/8 = 31/8

Now let's multiply:

12/5 x 31/8 = 372/40

To simplify the fraction, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 4:

372/40 = 93/10

Therefore, Hugo would use 93/10 cups (or 9 3/10 cups) of vinegar to make 3 7/8 recipes.

3.875 recipes, 2.4 cups each

x 2.4

1.55 + 7.75= 9.3 = 9 3/10 = 93/10

Yes, that's correct! Another way to solve the problem is to convert 2 2/5 to an improper fraction first, then multiply it by the number of recipes (as a mixed number or improper fraction), and simplify the result to a mixed number or whole number fraction.