Nira was paid $100 for 8 hours of babysitting and $112.50 for 9 hours. What is the constant of proportionality that describes this relationship?

A. 0.08

B. 65


D. 125

We can start by setting up a proportion:

$100/8 = x/9$

We can solve for $x$:

$8x = 900$

$x = 112.50$

Therefore, the constant of proportionality is $112.50/9 = 12.50$.

The answer is C.

To find the constant of proportionality for this relationship, we need to divide the total pay by the total number of hours.

First, let's calculate the total pay for each scenario:

Nira was paid $100 for 8 hours of babysitting → $100/8 = $12.50 per hour.

Nira was paid $112.50 for 9 hours of babysitting → $112.50/9 = $12.50 per hour.

As we can see, the constant of proportionality that describes this relationship is $12.50.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. 12.50.